
GOeureka – Travel Tech Company Utilising Blockchain


GOeureka is a travel tech company utilising blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform. Our mission is to decentralise the hotel booking sector and deliver greater transparency by allowing hotels to directly connect with their customers. As a technology partner to hotels, GO aims to provide a dynamic digital experience to users and eradicate the high commission structures imposed by online travel agents. By reducing the financial commitments of hotels to third-party booking platforms, GO’s vision is to enable hotels to focus more resources on providing better intrinsic value and services to travellers around the globe.

Hotel loyalty programmes will be integrated into the GOeureka platform, where travellers may earn loyalty points from the hotels they have booked. Necessary APIs will be provided for hotels to link their loyalty database with GOeureka. This will help facilitate the interoperable loyalty points detailed in GOeureka’s official whitepaper.   GOeureka will send and retrieve data from the hotel’s database to provide real-time updates for users to track their points and for hotels to track points that users have redeemed with GOeureka.   Research shows that 70% of customers do not sign up for a loyalty programme due to inconvenience and time costs associated with registering for a programme . With GOeureka, 1 registration for a loyalty programme is processed and verified in the backend. Customers will only be required to fill up an online registration form or, if they are already registered loyalty members, they only need to provide their pre-registered details (e.g. member ID) and the platform will link and display their loyalty details.

As consumer data will be shared between GOeureka and hotels, the consumers will have a seamless check-in experience during their stay. Upon registration, GOeureka collects personal identifiable information, which will be encrypted and stored off-chain. This information will be used to facilitate the check-in process since users are already authenticated on the GOeureka platform. Unique identifiers will be matched with data from the hotel’s central reservation system and consumers are able to check-in directly on the mobile app.   The check-in experience will consist of 3 simple steps:

  1. Select booking (reservation for the day)
  2. Fill up optional information (hotels may request additional information to cater and personalize the consumers stay – e.g. Room upgrade, Types of pillow)
  3. Check-in to room

Check-in requests will be automatically approved as long as certain prerequisites like the check-in time or booking deposit are fulfilled.

Guests may check-out of their stay through a similar process, but will be redirected to the payment page, where they may choose from GOeureka’s various payment methods to settle their vacation bill:

  1. Check-out of stay
  2. Fill up check-out form (hotels may ask if guests have minibar consumption, guests may approve additional charges from in-room dining, etc.)
  3. Redirect to payment page

Upon check-in, authentication tokens will be sent to GOeureka’s hotel CMS and guests will be matchmade with the hotel they have checked into once tokens are authenticated in the backend. Hotels and guests will have direct access to each other and will be able to communicate for the duration of the stay. Guests will be entitled to the aforementioned hotel services, depending on what hotels make available.


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Author :;u=2275091;sa=summary

Address : 0x444ecBEe6cEc7c740A37A113AA8c90e52c7fD30f

My Telegram Username : @frimezah

GOeureka – Next Gen Solution Shaping


Uроn check-in, аuthеntiсаtiоn tоkеnѕ will be ѕеnt to GOeureka’s hоtеl CMS and guеѕtѕ will be mаtсhmаdе with thе hоtеl thеу hаvе сhесkеd intо once tоkеnѕ аrе аuthеntiсаtеd in thе bасkеnd. Hоtеlѕ аnd guests will hаvе dirесt ассеѕѕ to each other аnd will bе able tо communicate for thе duration of thе ѕtау.

Guеѕtѕ will bе еntitlеd tо thе аfоrеmеntiоnеd hotel ѕеrviсеѕ, depending оn whаt hotels mаkе available.

Tо provide full ѕеlf-ѕеrviсе сараbilitiеѕ, GOеurеkа will аlѕо рrоvidе a rооm kеу fеаturе оn thе mоbilе арр. Thе availability оf thе mоbilе rооm kеу depends on thе hotel’s physical infrastructure, but hotels with ѕmаrt lосkѕ or keypad lосkѕ will hаvе thе room kеу feature intеgrаtеd on GOеurеkа’ѕ арр.

GOеurеkа will intеgrаtе available dеvеlореr APIs bу mаjоr ѕmаrt lосk рrоvidеrѕ. Thiѕ tесhnоlоgу makes uѕе оf еnсrурtеd Bluеtооth tесhnоlоgу, whеrе аuthеntiсаtеd dаtа is ѕеnt from the GOeureka app thrоugh the guest’s mоbilе dеviсе to thе ѕmаrt lock nеtwоrk whiсh then unlосkѕ a guеѕt’ѕ rооm. Bluеtооth tесhnоlоgу iѕ fоund tо bе a ѕаfеr аltеrnаtivе due tо encryption аnd аuthеntiсаtiоn mеthоdѕ available fоr Bluеtооth trаnѕmiѕѕiоn аѕ орроѕеd tо Wi-Fi рrоtосоlѕ that аrе еаѕilу ѕрiеd on bу оthеr users on thе ѕаmе Wi-Fi nеtwоrk.

MVP and ѕmаrt соntrасtѕ wеrе соmрlеtеlу сrеаtеd in Fеbruаrу 2018. In Auguѕt thе tеаm will begin dеvеlорing аррѕ аnd bооking ѕitе, аnd will initiаtе marketing еndеаvоrѕ аnd соnnесting with potential ассоmрliсеѕ. Bеfоrе thе уеаr’ѕ оvеr thе соmраnу will diѕраtсh a beta adaptation оf thе itеm, tеѕt it аnd bеgin accepting bооkingѕ. Cliеnt procurement program begin hеrе too.

In 2019 the tеаmѕ еndеаvоrѕ will bе focused on building оrgаnizаtiоnѕ with kеу hоtеl gatherings, dеvеlорing faithfulness program network, аnd uрgrаding diffеrеnt fеаturеѕ of thе рlаtfоrm. By 2020 the company iѕ relied uроn tо have wоrldwidе mаrkеt асhiеvе, асtuаlizе blосkсhаin into the frаmеwоrk аnd bеgin соnduсting hugе dаtа invеѕtigаtiоn.



Manraj Rаi, Fоundеr

Justin Lim Co-Founder

Tеj Bhullеr Cо-Fоundеr

Chаn Huаn Gee Chief Viѕiоnаrу Offiсеr

Shuk Huay Koh Chiеf Prоduсt Offiсеr

Beam Lее Blockchain Dеvеlореr

Liѕа Yеоh Project Manager

GOeureka Meet thе Tеаm — Kоh Shuk Huау


Tell us a bit аbоut уоurѕеlf аnd уоur bасkgrоund

I’vе built mу еntirе саrееr within the IT industry, аnd tо me, it fееlѕ likе a реrѕоnаl саlling. It led mе to fоund оnе of thе fаѕtеѕt grоwing IT firmѕ in Mаlауѕiа, specialising in сuѕtоmiѕеd wеb solutions аnd еntеrрriѕе-lеvеl ѕоftwаrе, аnd I’ve lоvеd еvеrу minutе оf it. I find it immensely enjoyable рrоviding IT-rеlаtеd соnѕulting services, idеntifуing client needs and requirements, аnd delivering the right tесh ѕоlutiоnѕ аt the right time.


Tell uѕ аbоut уоur experience in blосkсhаin and сrурtосurrеnсiеѕ

I’d bееn саѕuаllу fоllоwing the blockchain space, аnd mоrе ѕресifiсаllу Bitсоin’ѕ еvоlutiоn аnd technological аdvаnсеmеnt within it, for a fеw уеаrѕ. Thеn in 2016, when thе Bitсоin boom hit, I ѕtаrtеd giving it my full attention. Whilе I dо trade crypto, it’ѕ the tесhnоlоgу behind thе blockchain induѕtrу and thе аррliсаtiоnѕ built оn tор thаt hаѕ mе fаѕсinаtеd.


Hоw did уоu gеt involved with GOeureka? Whаt appealed tо уоu about thе рrоjесt?

I wаѕ intrоduсеd to Manraj (CEO) thrоugh a ѕhаrеd соntасt аnd he walked mе thrоugh GOeureka’s mission аnd viѕiоn. After tаking a lооk intо the сurrеnt iѕѕuеѕ fасеd bу the trаvеl industry аnd seeing the роtеntiаl solutions thаt GOеurеkа could рrоvidе, I wаѕ hооkеd аnd immediately jumped оn-bоаrd.

Whаt ѕеtѕ GOeureka араrt is itѕ рrаgmаtiс approach, utiliѕing blосkсhаin technology in a соnvеntiоnаl market, and it арреаlеd tо mе immensely.


Whаt аrе you responsible fоr аt GOeureka?

I оvеrѕее thе dеvеlорmеnt of GOeureka’s рlаtfоrm, mеаning a lоt оf mу timе goes into рlаnning аnd еxесuting all thingѕ tесh аt GOеurеkа. Thiѕ inсludеѕ whаt wе’ll build оut nеxt, whiсh tесh еxреrtiѕе tо bring оntо оur team, аnd сооrdinаting all the nitty-gritty blосkсhаin еlеmеntѕ wе’ll bе intrоduсing. I work vеrу closely with Manraj оn thе dеvеlорmеnt rоаdmар fоr the coming months аnd уеаrѕ аnd ensure wе ѕtау fосuѕеd аnd оn trасk.


Whаt is уоur fаvоuritе раrt of thе GOeureka ѕоlutiоn? What has уоu mоѕt excited?

Withоut a doubt the intеrореrаblе lоуаltу points. I think this is the mоѕt diѕruрtivе fеаturе thаt thе GOеurеkа рlаtfоrm can рrоvidе, аnd it’ѕ going tо сrеаtе a real win-win fоr hоtеlѕ, trаvеllеrѕ, аnd GOеurеkа as well. Bеing able аѕ a hоtеliеr tо сlеаr оff ѕоmе of thе liаbilitiеѕ from your balance sheet, аnd аѕ a trаvеllеr hаving thе аbilitу tо rеdееm and utilise уоur lоуаltу роintѕ асrоѕѕ thе еntirе рlаtfоrm, iѕ gоing to bе rеvоlutiоnаrу fоr the online trаvеl sector.


Whеrе dо you ѕее thе futurе of the trаvеl induѕtrу hеаdеd? How do you ѕее it еvоlving?

I believe the induѕtrу will become 100% mоbilе oriented. We’ve bееn ѕееing a hugе раrаdigm ѕhift tо mobile devices оvеr thе уеаrѕ, and that trеnd iѕ going tо соntinuе to ѕtrеngthеn аnd grоw. Tо me, it makes perfect ѕеnѕе for users tо mаnаgе thеir еntirе trip оn their mоbilе, including bооking their stay, сhесking-in, requesting hotel ѕеrviсеѕ, tоuring, gеtting to know thе area оf their ѕtау, and finаllу, checking-out.

I think we’ll also ѕее tесhnоlоgу levelling thе рlауing fiеld in thе induѕtrу аѕ smaller but tесhnоlоgiсаllу mоrе аdvаnсеd hotel brands ѕtаrt tо bесоmе mоrе соmреtitivе in thеir рriсing, mаrkеting, аnd bооking numbеrѕ. It will nо longer bе роѕѕiblе for thе large оnlinе travel agents (OTAs) tо dоminаtе аnd restrict thе sector, аnd thеrе’ll bе ѕоmе hugе сhаngеѕ in thе ѕрасе.


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Author :;u=2275091;sa=summary

Address : 0x444ecBEe6cEc7c740A37A113AA8c90e52c7fD30f

My Telegram Username : @frimezah

Overview GOeureka Project


Goeureka is offering a brand-new platform for hotels and customers worldwide. When online travel platforms build a new style travel and hotel sector. Thanks to new technological developments old style travel agencies are buried in dusty pages of history and online systems dominated the travel sector. Online systems have a big advantage. First of all, It could conveniently reach the worldwide customer network in a few seconds. Costs of travel services’ advertisement and agency are reduced the reasonable level in the market. In this way, hotels were able to offer lower prices to their customer portfolios. Furthermore, small and medium-sized travel enterprises could take the opportunity to be afloat against big players of the market. Thanks to the feedback received from the online travel agencies (OTAs), great progress has quickly been made about meeting customer demands. The hotel industry is growing and improving on the OTAs. The gaining revenue rises rapidly day by day. OTAs provide a wide range of options from different hotel groups and partners. Customers can now decide on a variety of hotels from the different OTAs platform. This is a great convenience for everybody. OTAs disrupted the existing travel industries by way of unrepudiated technological innovations and unprecedented opportunities.


While consumers and OTAs make the most of new technologies, the traditional businesses that don’t keep up with the times against the digitalizing world are slowly disappearing. It is seen that the market is moving towards a falling rate of profit. If the traditional businesses of the travel sector want to obtain competitive capacity against the OTAs, they have to run the risk of reshaping themselves according to consumer demands. While OTAs are emerging with many innovations to attract customers’ attention, hotels continue to lose control of their brand position day by day. The GOeureka (GO) platform aims to provide an objective and transparent technology to hotels by using blockchain technology and thus to transform the traditional loyalty systems into a new format. In this way, hotels will have a convenient environment to provide higher value to their customers. GO will build a common platform in a framework where the hotels can take back control of their brand names. GO to do this; It will provide a non-commissioned booking platform, provide an integration service in accordance with the hotel catalogs and loyalty program, offer loyalty points adapted to the cryptocurrency system, enable an area of movement where hotels can maintain their brand control, allow for cryptocurrency transactions and give direct access to 170,000 hotels worldwide. GO promises a whole new vision of the future. While providing the best and highest quality service to travelers, it will activate a supportive ecosystem that will benefit from the opportunities created by blockchain technology. GO’s offering this service to users on the user-friendly web and application interface will maximize customer satisfaction.


Considering the cake represented by the global travel industry, hotel reservations have a significant revenue volume. Online travel agencies, which were initially seen as a means of disposing of non-sold hotel rooms, now dominate the market. The OTAs have been expanding rapidly since its introduction in the 1990s, while the travel industry has been reshaped from scratch. As a result, the user-friendly OTAs offer consumers a wide range of options and attractive offers. It was an inevitable result that hotels lost all their power fields against OTAs as time passed by. Hotels didn’t already have the sources of competition that could struggle to offer a wide option network in this campaigns and ads war. This situation leads to increase the dependence on third parties and be a burden on the back of the hotels, which the commissions to be paid. In an environment where market power and domination is in the hands of others, how long can hotels survive against this unfair competition by waiving the profit margin? Mostly in hotels, because of OTAs’ best price guarantee and insistence on price parity, increased commission costs have led to an increase in pricing per available room of small and medium-sized enterprises. In fact, hotels have signed such agreements under the hegemony of OTAs, such that they have no right to speak even on the websites they own. Although this is a strike major blow to the liberty of trade, it isn’t beneficial for neither hotels nor consumers. There are no opportunities to carry brand values to higher levels with loyalty campaigns and awards by distributing hotels. Loyalty programs now work for the benefit of OTAs.


GO offers a great opportunity to keep up with the times and pull the strings in hand. Hotels will be able to list their products and services on the GO website, where they can fully control their lists, prices, policies, and features. In addition, the feature factory will enable hotels to customize their offers on the GO platform and GO customers will have the option to subscribe to a hotel’s loyalty program directly through the platform. In this way, a working model that will expand the customer database and increase customer retention will be beneficial for both hotels and consumers. Platform cuts a 5% commission when paid with cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. and credit cards, while it offers payment options not paying any transaction fees when using GO tokens. The re-booking feature, which allows customers to get the best possible room prices in room prices on the GO platform, will provide a great advantage.


Consumers will be able to download the application of the GO platform and log in with the same user account as the website. All booking information and user account activity will be retrieved from the GO website database and matched with the user account in the application. The GO App will allow customers to easily track hotel bookings and manage their current accommodations. Using the GO App, consumers will be able to check-in for their room.

What is important is to create a vision and define a new roadmap according to innovations. And Goeureka offers this future vision.


Token Details
Token Symbol – GOT
Standard Token – ERC20
The total volume of tokens issued for sale – 600 million.
Hard cap – USD $ 60 million.


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Author :;u=2275091;sa=summary

Address : 0x444ecBEe6cEc7c740A37A113AA8c90e52c7fD30f

My Telegram Username : @frimezah

ICOVO | The World’s First ICO Platform Implementing DAICO


ICOVO is that the world’s 1st and solely ICO platform that may actualize healthy ICOs. The core of its service is that the DAICOVO sensible contract, that relies on the idea of DAICO, that was advocated by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin in Jan 2018.

Each country’s government is advancing regulation so as to make a healthy setting for ICOs, however this can be troublesome to realize for borderless ICOs exploitation solely centralized regulation. We will solve fraud and reduce in project motivation – the issues raised by ICOs – through the localizedapproach of DAICO.

With the mission of getting all ICOs use DAICO, we are going to develop and open supply DAICOVO, that is aligned with the thinking behind DAICO. In addition, we are going to issue OVO tokens, which is able to be specialised as a currency for procuring ICO investments.

Ethereum, that includes a high distribution quantity and is universal, is presently used because the main currency for acquisition, however we are going to offer advantages for ICO investors for exploitation OVO for collaborating in comes on the ICOVO platform.

DAICOVO could be a framework for ICOs implementing the idea of DAICO. DAICOVO supports fund management exploitation the DAICOVO model, additionally to the functions needed by ICO project founders like supplying, selling, and managing distinctive tokens.




ICOVO’s shoppers ar innovative blockchain-related startups. the foremost economical thanks tocommunicate ICOVO’s services to them isn’t to travel to them to inform them however to possess them return to access ICOVO’s service information. Website :


One is on-line media

Blockchain Insight( this is often our crypto market- and blockchain-related in hand media, primarily for information associated with achieving a healthy ICO surroundings and technical information associated with the blockchain. By sharing quality- instead of quantity-based content, we tend to aim to create this a highly-reliable, factual industry-standard medium.


The other is physical media

coworking areas for startups. We will increase ICOVO’s name recognition by providing physical places for blockchain startups. Specifically, we tend to will provide blockchain startup-dedicated coworking areas in Zug, European country, Tokyo, Japan. We decide to support startups possessing advanced technology. These coworking areas will provide associate Ethereum testnet, full node storage and a lot of, additionally as create it doable to put in test-stage blockchain, IoT, and AI hardware for debut a nextgeneration society. Naturally, all paid services within the coworking areas will settle for payment by ETH or OVO. Blockchain-related startups approved by ICOVO will be ready to use these for complimentary.


Increase ICO Transparency and defend Investors

We aim to safeguard ICO investors by introducing a fundraising management system and increasing the transparency of ICO project founders additionally because the comes themselves.


Decentralized Token Management

  • We will produce DAICOVO, a creative smart contract incorporating DAICO’s basic plan of localised token management.
  • We will introduce a system that solely permits withdrawals consistent with the capital demand of a project’s pre-loaded schedule through a faucet system (setting associate amount which will be withdrawn per unit of time). this can forestall developers from running off with raised funds.
  • In the event that associate capitalist notices a retardant with the project, they’re ready to retract their investment that was raised underneath agreement as a refund.


Target Market Size


The ICO support service market has big at AN explosive year-over-year rate of 3800% It was ninety six million USD in 2016, however in 2017 it distended speedily by concerning 3800% year-over-year to three.7 billion USD. In terms of the quantity of ICOs, there have been concerning five times as several in 2017 as in 2016, up from forty six to 235. the number raised per ICO conjointly drastically increased; whereas the typical in two016 was 2.1 million USD, the typical in 2017 was around seven times additional at fifteen.7 million USD.




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Author :;u=2275091;sa=summary

Address : 0x444ecBEe6cEc7c740A37A113AA8c90e52c7fD30f

Foresting | Proyecto de Revisión

A principios del siglo XX, las crisis nacionales como la burbuja punto-com, el 11-S y la Guerra en Afganistán, llevan al gobierno estadounidense a imponer una política de baja tasa de interés como parte de un paquete de estímulo económico fuerte. Si bien el propósito principal de esta iniciativa fue crear inversiones corporativas y consumos privados, causó tremendos préstamos para los hogares. En 2004, llevó a la terminación de las políticas de baja tasa de interés, dejando a las instituciones financieras incapaces de cobrar préstamos. Las principales compañías de seguridad financiera en los Estados Unidos, como New Century Financials, quebraron. El escándalo ha provocado una crisis crediticia mundial y ha perjudicado a la economía real. Uno de los ejemplos más conocidos de la crisis financiera mundial es el colapso del banco de inversión “Lehman Brothers” en 2008.


Uno de los eventos más interesantes es el nacimiento del sistema post-revolución y la criptomoneda, llamado “Bitcoin”, que fue ideado por primera vez por Satoshi Nakamoto después del colapso de Lehman Brothers. La especulación ha sido desenfrenada sobre quién es SatoshI Nakamoto, ya que su identidad permanece completamente velada. El mensaje claro que intenta transmitir en su tesis, que consta de aproximadamente nueve páginas, es la falta de confianza en el sistema bancario, especialmente hacia el Banco de la Reserva Federal (FRB), que es un editor central y un tercero de confianza, y administra toda la información. y políticas después de pasar por la crisis financiera en 2008. Sugirió un sistema de moneda que no puede fabricarse y puede ser perfectamente transparente sin requerir información personal con el propósito de “sustituir” los sistemas existentes.

Su mensaje levantó el discurso social sobre el sistema de que todos deciden los participantes del sistema de manera transparente. Su voluntad se ha extendido no solo en el sistema bancario sino también a través de los medios, la cultura y la sociedad. Más bien, no está determinado por el intercambio y la distribución de información en una sociedad más justa, el control y la gestión centralizados, con el significado de ‘Descentralización’.

Satoshi Nakamoto deriva la definición de distribución de los antiguos días de Platon. En particular, su discusión muestra analogías con el libro de John Rawls “Una teoría de la justicia” donde el filósofo moral y político enfatiza la importancia de la justicia. Rawls sostiene que la imparcialidad solo puede existir cuando los procedimientos de distribución son justos.

Mirando de cerca cómo estos comentarios se relacionan con la cadena de bloques, John Rawls usa el término “procedimiento justo” para explicar el “velo de la ignorancia” y para afirmar que la información resuelve la asimetría. La cadena de bloques es una cadena de bloques que se distribuyen a través de entidades comerciales principales, que no pueden modificar los contenidos. Más importante aún, todos los registros relevantes serán divulgados. En este proceso, no existe asimetría entre las dos partes durante la transacción, lo que hace posible implementar un contrato justo. Lo mismo es cierto para el procedimiento de distribución. Por ejemplo, mantener una red de blockchain requiere la participación voluntaria del minero (por ejemplo, PoW), que es recompensado con una donación de fichas de criptomoneda a cambio de sus actividades mineras. Esto está en línea con la afirmación de Rawls para la distribución de capacidades basada en definiciones de procedimientos.


‘FORESTING’ de los medios sociales basados ​​en Blockchain

FORESTING es la cadena de ingresos de la plataforma que permite a los usuarios cuantificar la contribución del proveedor de contenido para ofrecer recompensas utilizando un método de consenso distribuido.

FORESTING, que abrirá un nuevo mundo, es una combinación de ‘Bosque’ y ‘Redes’, ‘Conectar’ e ‘Interactuar’. FORESTING es la principal red social, una cadena de bloques con libertad económica para los proveedores de contenido. La plataforma podrá aumentar la eficiencia y el impacto de los proveedores de contenido al permitirles generar contenido nuevo y más rápido que las redes sociales tradicionales. La plataforma creará un nuevo ecosistema para los medios sociales a través de la tecnología blockchain y un nuevo concepto de operación de token de medios sociales.

FORESTING está diseñado para construir una red mediante la distribución de ingresos a través de la generación de contenido razonable y en la evaluación del contenido de los usuarios. Admite todo tipo de contenido, ya sea texto, imágenes, videos, audio o transmisión en vivo, y proporciona una red social basada en un servicio de recompensa orientado al contenido.


Banco de BOSQUES

El propósito de FORESTING Bank es brindar soporte a los servicios financieros que requieren los usuarios para que puedan enfocarse completamente en la creación del contenido en el centro de la Red FORESTING.

Los usuarios pueden contribuir a la plataforma FORESTING a través de una variedad de actividades, que incluyen la creación y el suministro de contenido, la redacción de comentarios, el gusto y el intercambio. La contribución de los usuarios se evalúa utilizando un nuevo modelo de evaluación de contribución presentado por el Banco FORESTING. Los usuarios recibirán una variedad de servicios financieros según el nivel de contribución en la plataforma, que se basa en el nivel de sus conexiones, la calidad de su contenido, la adquisición de monedas y las transacciones. Los usuarios pueden mejorar sus calificaciones crediticias simplemente trabajando en sitios de redes sociales y tener una experiencia increíble con un potencial económico más amplio.

Los usuarios no podían enfocarse completamente en la creación de contenido antes. Algunos se clasificaron como autoempleados o tuvieron que sufrir dificultades económicas, como bajos ingresos. Los servicios financieros de los bancos existentes se basan en los ingresos, las transacciones monetarias y las calificaciones crediticias. Por lo tanto, esta plataforma conducirá a una mejor creación de contenido, mejorará la calidad del contenido en toda la plataforma FORESTING y, en última instancia, conducirá a una estructura de círculo virtuoso que extiende la rápida expansión y el impacto de la plataforma FORESTING.


Laboratorio de bosque

El propósito de FORESTING Lab es proporcionar infraestructuras para las comunidades que participan en la Red FORESTING y apoyar a los creadores de contenido que quieran crear contenido y publicar en la plataforma FORESTING.

FORESTING Lab ejecuta un espacio de colaboración sin conexión para los usuarios de FORESTING. El espacio de colaboración de FORESTING es accesible para cualquier participante en la Red FORESTING y se utiliza completamente para expandir la Red FORESTING y desarrollar la comunidad. Este espacio proporciona un lugar para que los usuarios en el núcleo de la red FORESTING creen contenido de mayor calidad, junto con el equipo necesario, como cámaras, micrófonos, luces, altavoces e instrumentos. Los usuarios ya no tienen que dejar de ser creadores de contenido porque no pueden pagar el espacio o el equipo para crear el contenido. Al hacer esto, FORESTING podrá ofrecer contenido de alta calidad y construir un ecosistema posterior a la puesta en escena más sólido.


Interfaz de usuario

El objetivo de FORESTING es ofrecer a los usuarios un servicio cómodo y conveniente que sea intuitivo en lugar de un servicio conceptual problemático.


Cambio de moneda simplificado

FORESTING también tiene como objetivo permitir que los usuarios agreguen valor a su contenido al proporcionar una plataforma de conversión segura para que obtengan dinero a cambio.


Soporte de contenido

Al utilizar blockchain, FORESTING brinda a los usuarios la mejor tecnología para cargar o descargar diferentes componentes de contenido de manera transparente


Optimización de dispositivos

El ecosistema de FORESTING es lo suficientemente diverso como para integrar los estilos de vida de las personas, y esto les permitiría influir en el contenido en cualquier momento utilizando cualquier dispositivo.


Seguridad y privacidad

Un aspecto crítico de la tecnología blockchain es la naturaleza descentralizada del sistema. Dicha característica proporciona la mejor protección y privacidad para los usuarios, ya que no hay una sola entidad que controle la operación.


Elementos de la Red Forestal

Nuestra filosofía se basa en 3 elementos clave de la Red Forestal;

  1. SERVICIOS DE REDES SOCIALES FORESTALES: un sistema de distribución de recompensa justa para los creadores de contenido a través de Blockchain
  2. FUNDACIÓN FORESTAL – Donación de multitudes estable y transparente para cambiar la humanidad
  3. BANCO FORESTAL: “Foresting Bank” es un banco digital para creadores de contenido y curadores por igual.

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